Course: Government
This is a nine-week course that is paired with Economics and is a requirement for graduation. It offers students the opportunity to understand the institutions that affect our daily lives. Students will study the political and legal processes of American government and become better prepared to assume the responsibilities that come with living in a democratic society.
Course: Psychology
This course investigates approaches to the study of the human mind, the effects of heredity and environment on the individual, sensation and perception, conditioning, memory, and abnormal psychology. Students will gain an understanding of psychological concepts, processes, and theories and will be able to use basic psychological terminology.
Course: Leadership
Course: Personal Finance
Personal Finance is a course designed to inform students how individual choices directly influence
occupational goals and future earnings potential. Real world topics covered will include income, money
management,spending and credit, as well as saving and investing.
Course: Honors Tennessee History
Students will examine the history of Tennessee, including the cultural, geographic, economic, and political
influences upon that history. Students will discuss Tennessee’s indigenous peoples as well as the arrival of
EuroAmerican settlers. Students will analyze and describe the foundation of the state of Tennessee. Students
will identify and explain the origins, impact, and aftermath of the Civil War. Students will discuss the rise of a
manufacturing economy. Finally, students will examine and discuss the Civil Rights Movement and
Tennessee’s modern economy and society. Elective credit.
Course: Old Testament
The purpose of this course is to enable students to acquire an understanding and appreciation of the Bible’s
Old Testament major ideas, historical/geographical contexts, and literary forms. The course will include the
study of the Bible in its historical, sociological, and cultural contexts, and its impact on later cultures, societies,
and religions.