Soddy Daisy High School

Career, College, & Technology

To ensure students are college and career ready, SDHS's Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum demonstrates the importance of preparing all students for post-school success. Consider the following benefits of CTE classes:
  • CTE can benefit all students, even those whose plans already include four-year college.

  • Combining CTE with core courses prepares more students for success beyond graduation. Eighty percent of students who take rigorous CTE courses along with their core courses are prepared for both college and a career, compared to just 63 percent of students who take only core courses alone.

  • CTE courses develop students’ non-cognitive skills better than core courses alone. CTE students are significantly more likely than their non-CTE counterparts to report that they developed problem-solving, project completion, research, math, college application, work-related, communication, time management, and critical thinking skills during high school.

  • Taking CTE courses prevents dropout because it offers practical applications of knowledge that can help students see the relevancy of their instruction. Students are more engaged in their lessons and can more fully grasp the content when they are able to answer the key question: Why does this matter?

  • CTE-related learning improves students’ overall academic motivation and performance. 

Student helping studentBuilding RobotsCoding with Students

Business management and administration prepare learners for careers in planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy and require specific skills in organization, time management, customer service, and communication.

Course: Computer Applications

Computer Applications is a foundational course intended to teach students the computing fundamentals and concepts involved in the proficient use of common application software. Upon completion of this course, students will gain basic proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations. In addition, students will have engaged in key critical thinking skills and will have practiced ethical and appropriate behavior required for the responsible use of technology.

Course: Introduction to Business

Business Communications is a course that prepares students for oral and electronic business communications in the 21st century including social media as well as developing skills in electronic publishing, design, layout, composition, and video conferencing. Emphasis will be placed on social media, design and digital communications. Students will review and practice successful styles and methods for professional business communications using the proper tools to deliver effective publications and presentations. 

Get a closer look at the Marketing Program of Study.

Course: Marketing I

This course provides an overview of topics in marketing to prepare students for employment and further studies of marketing, economics, and business. Beginning with the basic economic foundations of marketing, students are prepared to discover the nine functions of marketing: selling, promotion, distribution, risk management, pricing, purchasing, marketing information management, product/service planning, and financing.

Course: Marketing II 

This course is designed to deepen students' knowledge of marketing through practical team management projects that focus on building presentations and entrepreneurship skills. Students will learn basic concepts and fundamental skills of advertising. Students will acquire hands-on experience as an advertising executive, floor director, camera-person, editor, producer and creative director as they produce advertisements. Team projects will be utilized in this course.

Course: Work-Based Learning - Retail Operations

Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous CTE and general education courses within a professional work environment. The course allows students to earn high school credit for select models of work-based learning, which allows students to interact with industry professionals in order to extend and deepen classroom work and support the development of postsecondary and career readiness knowledge and skills.
 Broadly, individuals that work in the AV communications industry manufacture, sell, rent, design, install, integrate, operate, and repair the equipment of audiovisual communications. They are involved in the presentation of sound, video, and data to groups in such venues as corporate boardrooms, hotels, convention centers, classrooms, theme parks, stadiums, and museums. The major activity sectors in the AV communications industry are distributive service firms (AV dealers, rental companies, consultants, designers, and related firms), manufacturers of AV presentations and communications products, and large end-users.

Get a closer look at the A/V Production Program of Study.

Course: AV Production I

A/V Production I is a foundational course for students interested in A/V (audio/visual) production occupations. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to explain and complete the phases of the production process including pre-production, production, and post-production. Students will establish basic skills in operating cameras, basic audio equipment, and other production equipment. Standards in this course include career exploration, an overview of the history and evolution of A/V production, and legal issues affecting A/V production. In addition, students will begin compiling artifacts for inclusion in a portfolio.

Course: AV Production II

A/V Production II is the second course to prepare students for a career in audio/visual production. Building on knowledge acquired in A/V Production I, this course advances technical skills in utilizing industry equipment related to lighting and audio, and it places special emphasis on the research and technical writing involved in planning productions. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to plan, capture, and edit research-based productions of increasing complexity, individually and through collaboration in teams. In addition to more robust career preparation, standards in this course include an investigation of concerns affecting A/V production businesses, such as ethical and legal issues, technology, funding, and the organization of professional roles in various industries. Students will continue compiling artifacts for inclusion in their portfolios.

Course: AV Production III

A/V Production III is an applied-knowledge course intended to prepare students to pursue careers and post-secondary learning in audio/visual production. Students in this course will apply knowledge and skills from previous courses to create productions both independently and in teams, with the option of participating in a work-based learning experience for additional credit. Students will use industry equipment and technology to complete all phases of the production process, including planning, coordinating, capturing, editing, and distributing productions. Standards in this course include policies and regulations, independent and collaborative productions, distribution of media, and the production of live events. Students will continue compiling artifacts for inclusion in their portfolios. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be prepared for a career in audio/visual production or to transition to a postsecondary program for further study.

Course: Coding 1

Coding I is an introductory course intended to teach students the basics of computer programming. It is an interactive introductory course for students brand new to programming that teaches the foundations of computer science using the Python language. Not only will this course prepare students for AP Computer Science Principles and/or AP Computer Science A, but it will teach students how to think computationally and solve complex problems, skills that are important for every student. This introduction to computer science courses is a great starting point for a student's new computer science.

Course: AP Computer Science A

AP Computer Science A is a programming class in Java, a popular in-demand programming language. Java is used to build server-side applications, games, and financial applications, and is the core foundation for developing Android apps. Students will be introduced to topics that include problem-solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structure), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing

Course: AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory class to computer science with a focus on computational thinking and the tools needed to analyze, study, and work with large data sets to draw conclusions from trends. This course is interdisciplinary as students explore how computer software and other technology can be used to solve problems. It will focus on the ethical implications of technology alongside the mechanical components. The Computer Science Principles curriculum is an entry-level course that introduces high school students to the foundations of modern computing. The course covers a broad range of foundational topics such as programming and coding (in both Python and JavaScript), algorithms, Internet protocols, big data, digital privacy and security, and the societal impacts of COMPUTING.

BCTA Computer Lab
Information Technology careers involve the design, development, support, and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services. The IT industry is a dynamic and entrepreneurial working environment that has a revolutionary impact on the economy and society. In addition to careers in the IT industry, IT careers are available in every sector of the economy - from Financial Services to Medical Services, Business to Engineering and Environmental Services.

Students enrolled in these courses may be interested in this type of careers:
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Marketing or Advertising
  • Social Media
  • Graphic Design
  • Animation
  • Game Design
  • Project Management
  • Business
Get a closer look at the Web Design and Development Program of Study.

Course: Web Design Foundations

Web Design Foundations is a course that prepares students with work-related web design skills. The course is intended to develop fundamental skills in both theory and practical application of the basic web design and development process, project management and teamwork, troubleshooting and problem solving, and interpersonal skill development. Experiences simulate those found in the web design and development industry. 

Course: Web Site Development

Web Site Development builds on the skills and knowledge gained in Web Design Foundations to further prepare students for success in the web design and development fields. Emphasis is placed on applying the design process toward projects of increasing sophistication, culminating in the production of a functional, static website. As students work toward this goal, they acquire key skills in coding, project management, basic troubleshooting and validation, and content development and analysis. Students can earn industry certification in Adobe software and apply their skills in a capstone.

Course: Web Design Practicum

Web Design Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous Web Design courses toward the completion of an in-depth project with fellow team members working for a client. Students are responsible for producing independent work and management processes involved in the planning, designing, refinement, and launch of a website. In addition to developing an understanding of the professional and ethical issues encountered by web design professionals in the workplace, students learn to refine their skills in problem-solving, troubleshooting, teamwork, marketing and analytics, and project management.

Course: Computer Science Foundations

Computer Science Foundations (CSF) is a course intended to provide students with exposure to various information technology occupations and pathways such as Networking Systems, Coding, Web Design, and Cybersecurity. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to describe various information technology (IT) occupations and professional organizations. Moreover, they will be able to demonstrate logical thought processes and discuss the social, legal, and ethical issues encountered in the IT profession. Depending on the focus area, proficient students will also demonstrate an understanding of electronics and basic digital theory; project management and teamwork; client relations; causes and prevention of internet security breaches; and writing styles appropriate for web application. Upon completion of the CSF course, students will be prepared to make an informed decision about which Information Technology program of study to pursue.

BCTA Computer Lab

Course: Digital Electronics

Digital Electronics is intended to provide students with an introduction to the basic components of digital electronic systems and equip them with the ability to use these components to design more complex digital systems. Proficient students will be able to (1) describe basic functions of digital components (including gates, flip flops, counters, and other devices upon which larger systems are designed), (2) use these devices as building blocks to design larger, more complex circuits, (3) implement these circuits using programmable devices, and (4) effectively communicate designs and systems. Students develop additional skills in technical documentation when operating and troubleshooting circuits. Upon completion of the Digital Electronics course, proficient students will be able to design a complex digital system and communicate their designs through a variety of media.

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