Soddy Daisy High School

Small Learning Community

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Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Citizenship, Creativity 

Future Ready Institutes are built with Small Learning Communities in mind. A place where students will be a member of a “school within a school” atmosphere and attend classes with peers that have similar career interests. In our case, students interested in technology, coding, web design, networks, and cybersecurity.  Students in this small learning community will also be in a cohort for their core classes (English, Science, Math, and History), which means their core subject classes will have a technology component, along with being taught by teachers interested in technology.

Our goal is to provide Engaging Learning Opportunities for our students where they will be engaged in project-based learning opportunities, hands-on learning, as well as instruction with real-world connections around our career theme, technology.

Business and Community Partnerships are at the foundation of the Future Ready Institutes and students will be connected to local business and community partners. These partnerships will allow for opportunities for students to learn from successful career professionals in the area of technology.

Students will have a Post-Secondary Jump-start in our institute, as students will have opportunities to obtain dual credit/dual enrollment opportunities, along with the option to earn college credit in two AP Computer Science courses. Also, students will have the opportunity to earn work-ready credentials to give them an advantage for life after high school in the field of technology.

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