Soddy Daisy High School


Christmas Day Parade

Course: JROTC 1 and 2/ Let 1

The first year of instruction is an integrated course of basic JROTC and Lifetime Wellness emphasizing rights, responsibilities, privileges, freedoms, teamwork, health, hygiene, fitness, oral communications, and respect for authority that underlie good citizenship and character. Successful completion of both terms gains one elective credit in JROTC and one core credit in Lifetime Wellness. If a cadet fails the first term, he/she cannot enter the second term and must earn the Lifetime Wellness credit separate from the JROTC program!

Course: JROTC 3 and 4/ Let 2

The first-term emphasis is on problem-solving, intermediate leadership responsibilities, coaching and supervising techniques, leader communicative skills, environmental concerns, fitness, and drug abuse prevention. Cadets assume mid-level positions of leadership. During the second term emphasis is placed on the practical application of skills learned during the first term to include U.S. Government, decision making, methods of instruction, counseling, collateral readings, written and oral reports, and leadership labs.

Course: JROTC 5-8/ Let 3-4

This course is a continuation of JROTC llll with the emphasis being placed on ethical reasoning, planning and decision making, applied leadership, fitness, community involvement, and the job market. Cadets assume senior positions of leadership and assist the instructors. The second term has an emphasis on the practical application of skills learned in the first term to include performance in assigned command and staff positions within the cadet organization, preparation, and execution of the annual Federal Command Inspection, JROTC recruiting, career planning, seminars, advanced leadership labs, and U.S. Government.

The rock climbing and repelling event at the Boxwell Campground.
The State Championship at Soddy Daisy High School begins early in the morning.
Flag Folding
Five cadets were sent to Soddy Daisy Middle School to teach upcoming freshmen to properly fold the American flag.
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