Soddy Daisy High School

Scott Glass



Lieutenant Colonel Scott T. Glass is a 27-year U.S. Army veteran originally from Siloam, Georgia. He received an active duty commission and a Bachelor of Arts in Geography from the University of Georgia.  He served in armor, quartermaster, and airborne units in Kansas, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Italy, and Belgium with multiple deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait.  LTC Glass holds a Master’s Degree from Webster University in Human Resources Development and is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College with a Master’s Degree in applied Military History.  He opened the JROTC program at Sequoyah High School in 2011 and instructed there for 10 years before coming to Soddy-Daisy High School in 2021.  He is a high school baseball umpire with 20 years of experience and serves as the Executive Board President for the River City Umpires Association working in Hamilton County.  In his limited free time he is an avid family history researcher.  He and his wife Paige have two sons.  Army Captain Michael Glass is a paratrooper at Fort Polk, Louisiana, and Marine Corps Captain Matthew Glass is stationed in Okinawa.

Contact Information
[email protected]
423.332.8828 ext. 66105

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